Proverbs and Sayings

As reagalat, as tropfalat
dia alde Weibla hopfalat
hopfat en dr Stuba rom
schmeissat älle Häfa om.
It's rainin', it's droppin'
the hags are a-hoppin'
hop around in the hut
throw down every pot.
Translation by Herbert Rausch
Di will I gau hoa gau hoaße! I´ll throw you out (eg. of my home) pretty soon! Translation by Karl-F. Eppler from USA
Dr Haa isch bei de Henna
ischr ed dussa ischr denna
Cock is attending his chickin
if he's not outside he's in
Translation by Swami Deva Srajano
Mr hots net leicht, aber leicht hots oin. Things don't come easy, but easily one misses them.
(Actually, "oin hots" means: "being crazy". Thanks to Karin!)
Translation by Werner from Austin/Texas
Schaffa isch a Gschäft! Making an effort takes an effort! Translation by Werner from Austin/Texas
Liabr en Ranza vom Essa als en Buckl vom Schaffa. Rather a round belly from eating (well) than a round back from working (too hard/long) sent by Manuel Sickert, France
Translation by Werner from Austin/Texas
Der Schiller und der Hegel,
der Uhland und der Hauff
das ist bei uns die Regel
das fällt uns gar nicht auf.
Schiller = besides Goethe the most important German Classic Poet, 18th century
Hegel = most important German philosopher (categorical imperativ: you shall cause you can (18th century)
Uhland = German poet from the Romantic period (late 18th century)
Hauff = South German poet and lyric writer (late 18th century)
All are born Swabians. The poem says, that they are so much part of our day to day life and also the language, that there is no fuss about.
Translation by Swami Deva Srajano
Fempf Halbe sen so viel wia a Schnitzel,
ond dann hosch emmr no nix dronga.
Five pints of beer feed you like one steak, but then...
still you did not drink anything.
Translation by Swami Deva Srajano
Liabr da Maga verrenkt, als em Wirt ebbes gschenkt. Rather a stomach pain than leaving food on the table. Translation by Werner from Austin/Texas
I kennt de oin nemme on de andre mit daudschla'! I feel like taking one to beat up the other with! Translation by Werner from Austin/Texas
Es isch bloß bis rum isch. It lasts only till it ends. Translation by Werner from Austin/Texas
Wia gôhts? - Emmr viel Gschäft. How do you do? - Fine!
Was dr Bauer net kennt frisst er net. Never eat what you don't know. Translation by Bärbele from Böblingen
I schlag de ogspitzt en Boda nei! Screw you! Translation by Bärbele from Böblingen

13 Sep 2002
© Thomas Kemmer