To a Mercedes-driver, who is a passionate sailor:
Isch die Ahengerkupplung fir de Viehtransport?
Do you need the coupling on your car for your cattle-trailer?
To a swabian aboriginal:
Was schaffet Sie eigentlich?
What is your profession?
To a swabian, who doesn't own his own house:
Wieso hend Sie eigentlich koi oigends Häusle?
Why don't you have your own house?
To any swabian:
In Griechenland isches fei sauberer als im Ländle.
Greece is cleaner than the streets in here.
To any swabian:
In Laichingen isches net so schee gwä wie in Florenz.
I like Florence more than Laichingen.
To a swabian writer:
Send Sie en schwäbischer Schriftsteller?
Are you a swabian writer?
To a swabian businessman:
Send Sie um Neune scho im Gschäft?
Will you be in your office tomorrow morning at nine?
13 Sep 2002
© Thomas Kemmer