The tilde (~) stands for the catchword at the beginning of the entry or for a catchword already having a tilde.
Examples: birth ... ~day = birthday; after ... ~noon: good~ = good afternoon.
a. also
acc. accusative
(Sie holt dr Kutteroemer)
adj. adjective
adv. adverb (I komm
act. active (u'scheniert)
Brit. British English (gell)
bot. botany (Hausabrenner, Heiderösle)
colloq. colloquial (Hä?)
cj. conjunction
comp. comparative
cu. curse
dim. diminuitive
(Haus - Häusle)
eg. exempli gratii
engl. english origin
f. feminine
fig. figuratively
fr. french origin
imp. imparative
ind. indicative
(So gåhts fei et!)
indef. indefinite
(indef. pron.: a weng)
int. interjection
interrog. interrogative
(Mo ane?)
intr. intransitive
ital. italian origin
m. masculine
n. neuter
num. adj. numeral adjective
neg. negation
pass. passive
pers. personal
phys. physical
pl. plural (Schlotzer - Schlötz)
poss. possesive (poss. pron: moe, doe, onser, dr, dui, des)
pp. past perfect
pref. prefix
(rom-stracke )
prep. preposition
pres. presence
pr.n. proper name
pron. pronoun (a, de, dei, des)
s. see
sg. singular
sl. slang (subrguat)
s.o. someone
sth. something
sup. superlative
(schee, schener, dr (des) schenscht)
sw. swearword (Halbdaggl)
trans. transitive
unpers. unpersonal
vb. verb
vu. vulgar (Bronzgschirr)
zo. zoology
13 Sep 2002
© Thomas Kemmer